Green juice date – The Fitnessista


Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far!!

For today’s post, I figured we’d have a little green juice date! While I wish I could have a green juice or coffee with you in real life, virtual will have to do for now. So please grab a green juice or coffee, let’s share a giant pastry, and catch up a bit on life!

If we were having green juice right now…

I’d ask you when the kids are going back to school. Ours go back next week and no one is ready for it. Usually by now, I’m like, “Ok, time to get back to life and a routine.” but not as excited this year. The kids have zero desire to go back, but I’ve been trying to get everyone excited by back-to-school shopping this week. I’ve loved having them home and our schedule is already packed through spring, so I’m just savoring this last week of jammies until 10am.

We’d probably talk about our adventures and travels from the summer. I already can’t wait to go back to Europe – even though it will probably be a couple of years – and thankfully, the kids loved it as much as we did. They can’t stop talking about the stunning beauty of Italy and Greece, and of course, they’re raving about the incredible food we indulged in. I feel like so many friends have had some amazing summer travels and I always love to hear about new spots + recommendations.

I’d want to know what you’ve been doing fitness-wise! Take any new classes or try anything fun lately? I’ve been sticking with my usual routine, but it’s been fun to add hot yoga back into my life (I missed it!) and also take some reformer and pvolve classes. (I’ll share a Focus On post for pvolve soon!) I haven’t been able to make it to F45 for most of the summer since the kids have been home, but have been embracing home workouts and a few studio classes here and there.

I’ve been working on keeping the intensity of workouts pretty minimal as my eyes have recovered, which brings me to the next topic..

If we were having green juice right now, I obviously consider you a close friend, so I’d tell you something that’s been on my heart a bit lately:

we did a bunch of labs to see if there were any indications of something that could have caused my eye issues. Most of the usually suspects came back normal, but two markers for an autoimmune issue came back positive.

My NP talked to rheumatology and she said since I don’t have any other symptoms, we can re-test in a few months as long as my eyes continue to improve. Sometimes acute inflammation (like the inflammation in my eyes) can trigger a positive on the test. I feel comforted by this, but also know that autoimmune stuff can unpredictable and sometimes lead to other issues. My NP also said that it could just stay like this and this is how my body responds/reacts… which is what I’m praying for, especially since my eyes have drastically improved.

I’m a big believer in making any changes I can, but also with the understanding that sometimes you can do ALL the things, and you still get dealt a sucky hand. I think it’s important to control what you can control, where it makes sense for you and your life, but also to show yourself grace and know that when things like this happen, it’s not your fault.

I’ve been researching a lot and have made a couple of dietary and lifestyle changes. I’m also running a couple of functional tests to see what my gut health looks like, mineral deficiencies, and toxicities.

If you’re interested in joining me with my newest group program, along with optional functional testing, comment WAITLIST on this post. I’ll email you all of the details on August 14! I’ve been working on the coursework all summer, and it’s something I wish would have existed when I was in the depths of my health journey, struggling with anxiety, wanting to sleep all day, and craving sugar constantly. I know it will also support me on this current journey, as we all work together to improve health foundations.

I’d also ask you what you’ve been watching or reading lately. I’m reading this right now and it may be my favorite TJR book to date. I’m also a little too excited for the new season of Bridgerton. 

So tell me, friends: what’s going on in your world?

What are you looking forward to in the fall months?




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