Wearing Two Watches At The Same Time


Can a guy wear two watches?

Is it excessive? Well…not if you’re doing so for legitimate, style purposes.

An extra watch on your hand doesn’t have to mean you’re acting rich or showing off. And believe it or not, having two watches on can be useful in life!

So gentlemen – here’s an article explaining the benefits of wearing two watches, whether it’s better to wear one watch on each wrist or both on the same wrist, and kind of message you send across doing so.

1. Reasons You Should Wear 2 Watches

2 dress watches on same wrist

It’s a valid question: why even consider wearing two watches when the average person wears only one? Let me break down and explain the following reasons – which are all perfectly valid.


Watches these days have many more uses than just telling you the time. Some can transmit valuable information related to certain activities.

There are smartwatches that provide real-time data and keep you updated on your fitness goals, while other watches allow you to respond instantly to text messages.

Also, if your line of work involves juggling different time zones, two watches might help you simultaneously keep track of those times. Hence you would be more adept at scheduling meetings and managing deadlines.

So whether you work at Wall Street or deal with virtual employees across the globe, having two watches should most likely help improve efficiency and productivity.


2 different stylish watches on same wrist

Many guys opt to pair up one traditional, analog watch with one smartwatch. And you know what? Most of the time it works! That’s mainly because these watches create a nice contrast. And such contrast brings out really great style.

The traditional-electronic combo creates a balance between the timeless and contemporary fashion.

On the other hand, there are those who try combining a large classic watch with a smaller, simpler one. But what’s stylish for others isn’t necessarily stylish for you.

Do experiment a little bit with different watches that you like to wear. Choosing a pair of watches to wear ultimately depends on you – what makes YOU feel comfortable and stylish.

Click here to download our eBook – Ultimate Guide To Men’s Watches.


2 chronogrpah watches on same wrist

Are you someone who’s passionate about watches? A watch aficionado? If yes, then you likely have a large collection of watches at your disposal.

And just like women who take forever to choose their dress for a party, there are men who can spend lots of time deciding on which watch to wear.

So many watches…but few opportunities when you can best show them off.

That’s why the simple solution is to wear two watches! Not only does this enable you to rotate your watches more often, but it cancels out the guilt from not making enough use of those watches that good money was spent on.


wearing 2 watches on same wrist for safety reason

It’s better to be safe than sorry. And gents, that justifies having another watch as a backup. 

There are various jobs and activities where a second watch on your wrist could be a real lifesaver. If every minute or second counts, then it’s perfectly reasonable to wear to double up.

Let’s say you’re going on a hike. You might be trekking along a path where there’s zero cell phone reception. If one watch suddenly stops working or gets damaged, at least you’ll have a second watch to rely on.

Meanwhile, men who work in law enforcement or serve in the military would find a backup watch especially useful since they must always stay alert.

1 Watch Per Wrist? Or 2 Watches On The Same Wrist?

wearing 2 watches on different wrists

There’s actually no clear-cut answer to this. You can either wear one watch on each wrist or wear both on the same wrist. However, remember to take note of some scenarios where one style has advantages over the other.

Maybe you’re someone who needs one arm free of accessories for practical reasons. You could be working as a doctor who’s checking on your patient’s heartbeat.

It might help to have one arm that isn’t burdened with bulky items, especially while moving it around for certain things that require precision. That’s when you should wear both watches on the same wrist.

However, by wearing two watches on the same wrist, you may risk marking them up or damaging them. Since the watches are side by side all day long, that can cause friction. The result can be scrapes or scratches developing over time.

ultimate watch checklist

So if you’re concerned about that, consider reducing the amount of time you wear both watches on the same wrist. Place one of them on the opposite wrist when you’ve got idle time in the middle of the day (like during your lunch break).

Each style has its pros and cons. It truly comes down to personal preference – what’s most important to you – and how confident you are with how it looks and feels.

Wearing Two Watches – What Does It Signal?

wearing 2 dress watches on the same wrist

There are several things that wearing two watches can say about you. And the more you resonate with these, the more comfortable and confident you’ll feel while wearing them.

1. You’re Punctual

They say two heads are better than one. So naturally, two watches can appear “better” than one in the sense of showing how much you value time. You can come off as someone who’s well-focused and organized with their time.

And even if you’re not the most timely or punctual person, wearing two watches can still help you get better at using time.

There’s a stronger sense of time-consciousness that you’ll slowly gain with the help of multiple watches. It’ll push you to learn how to value your own time, as well as other people’s time.

2. You’re Sentimental

wearing 2 watches as a sign of being sentimental

Items that have sentimental value make you extra stylish. Maybe you’ve got a watch that’s been given to you by your significant other. You can wear it plus one of your own watches as a way of representing how close you are to one another.

You could get the same kind of watch that was worn by a loved one who recently passed away. Wearing that could be your way of honoring them.

Or you might have one watch that’s dedicated to a memorable life-changing event, like your wedding day or your child’s birthday.

You know what’s the beauty of such a watch? It can help you maintain a good perspective on life whenever things get tough.

3. You’re Intentional

Watches aren’t made just to look good and elevate your style. They go beyond that. They showcase your attention to detail, your awareness of who you are and how others might perceive you.

So people who notice that you’re wearing two watches may admire you for your the intent to impress.

Whether it’s coming across as more professional, more responsible or more trustworthy, it’s the fact that you’ve doubled up on that accessory that will make people curious about your choice.

Are you somebody who believes that time really is money?

Are you the type who ensures there’s a backup plan in case of unexpected events?

Those are just a couple of the positive messages you can send out by wearing a second watch.

There you have it, gentlemen. Don’t be discouraged by how unusual it looks or feels to wear two watches on any given day. Just like tasting a new wine, it gets better with time.

And bear in mind that wearing two watches makes a great conversation starter. A stranger or bystander may come up to you and ask why you’ve got another watch on.

Treat such moments as opportunities to discuss style and the positives traits that come with a pair of watches. You’re meant to stand out…so make sure you stand out impressively.

Click Below To Watch The Video – Should YOU Wear Two (Or More) Watches At The Same time!?


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