The 5 WORST Lies Society Feeds Young Men


It’s not easy to be a man in today’s age. Men are constantly bombarded with lies and misinformation about how to act towards others and themselves.

In this article, I’m going to point out 5 of the MOST HORRENDOUS lies society feeds young men that are keeping you from being the best man you can be.

By dismantling these lies, I will show you how to re-frame each one so you no longer have to be a sheep in a world full of lions.

Lie #1: “You’ve Failed If You’re Not A Millionaire By 30”

man sets budget counting dollar bills

One of the most toxic lies perpetuated by society is the belief that financial success is the ultimate benchmark of accomplishment.

While financial stability is undoubtedly important, success comes in various forms and timelines. The pressure to achieve a specific financial milestone within a set timeframe can lead to stress, anxiety, and a skewed sense of self-worth.

How To Re-frame This Lie

Instead of focusing on the money, you should focus on personal growth and establishing a sustainable career path. Success is a journey, and your own timeline is unique.

Embracing this truth allows you to build a foundation for long-term prosperity, both personally and professionally.

Rather than fixating on financial milestones, you should prioritize overall well-being.

Instead of succumbing to societal pressures, consider setting realistic and personalized goals. Focus on developing valuable skills, nurturing relationships, and pursuing passions.

This approach not only fosters a sense of purpose but also allows for a more authentic and sustainable definition of success.

Lie #2: “Casual Sex Is The ONLY Type Of Sex Men Need”

man and woman sitting in a bar

Another damaging lie society often perpetuates is the notion that casual sex without emotional attachment is the norm and the epitome of masculinity.

While sexual experiences are personal choices, dismissing the importance of emotional connections can lead to a sense of emptiness and detachment. It’s crucial to recognize that healthy relationships involve both physical and emotional intimacy.

How To Re-frame This Lie

Young men should be encouraged to prioritize communication, consent, and emotional well-being in their relationships. By fostering meaningful connections, individuals can experience a more fulfilling and balanced approach to their romantic lives.

Instead of dismissing emotional connections, individuals should prioritize open communication, empathy, and vulnerability in their romantic pursuits.

True masculinity involves embracing the depth of emotional bonds, fostering a richer and more fulfilling connection with partners.

By acknowledging the importance of both physical and emotional intimacy you can promote a more authentic and satisfying approach to your romantic interactions.

Lie #3: “You’re A Loser If You Don’t Have 100k Followers ON Instagram”

young man surfing social media on tablet

The era of social media has given rise to the fallacy that the number of followers, likes, and shares measure your worth. This societal lie places undue pressure on you to constantly curate an online persona that may not align with your authentic self.

The pursuit of virtual validation can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, and a distorted sense of identity.

How To Re-frame This Lie

Rather than fixating on external metrics, you should focus on cultivating genuine connections, both online and offline. Building a supportive network and engaging in meaningful conversations contributes far more to personal growth than the pursuit of arbitrary social media metrics.

Instead of fixating on reaching an arbitrary 100k followers, you should prioritize connections and posting content you enjoy. The true value lies in building a supportive network aligned with your own personal interests and values.

Quality connections hold more significance than mere numbers which fosters a more enriching life experience.

Lie #4: “You Have To Sacrifice Everything And Work Long Hours To Succeed”

man working hard in the middle of the night

The glorification of the “hustle culture” is another one of the many lies society feeds young men. While dedication to your career is commendable, the idea that success requires sacrificing personal relationships, mental health, and overall well-being is detrimental.

Overworking and neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, negatively impacting both your professional and personal aspects of life.

How To Re-frame This Lie

A healthier approach involves finding a balance between career aspirations and personal fulfillment. Prioritizing mental health, meaningful relationships, and pursuing hobbies contribute to a more sustainable and real version of your success.

Rather than subscribing to the relentless hustle culture, a more sustainable path to success involves embracing your best work-life balance.

Instead of sacrificing everything for career advancement, you should focus more on your long term goals. You should constantly be asking yourself “Am I doing something that brings me fulfillment and joy?”

Only then can true success encompass a better approach that acknowledges the importance of personal well-being alongside professional achievements.

Balancing ambition with self-care prevents burnout and enhances overall life satisfaction. By valuing your mental and emotional health, you can cultivate resilience, longevity, and a more fulfilling journey toward success.

Lie #5: “It’s Not Cheating If She Never Finds Out”

woman in argument with man

And lastly, one of the most damaging lies propagated by society is the idea that cheating is acceptable as long as it remains hidden.

This misconception erodes the foundation of trust in relationships and undermines the importance of commitment and communication. Infidelity can have severe emotional and psychological consequences, affecting both you and your partner in profound ways.

How To Re-frame This Lie

You should understand the significance of honesty, communication, and loyalty in relationships. Building trust and having open communication is crucial for the longevity and well-being of any romantic partnership.

A healthier approach involves prioritizing open communication and trust in your relationships. Instead of condoning hidden affairs, you should recognize the profound impact it can have.

Building trust requires transparency and addressing issues openly. You and your partner should foster a culture of open dialogue, acknowledging the significance of emotional fidelity.

Encouraging honest communication serves as the cornerstone for resilient and fulfilling relationships, dispelling the misguided notion that cheating is acceptable as long as it remains concealed.

To Sum Things Up

These terrible lies society feeds young men are 5 of THOUSANDS fed to men every single day, but it’s important to note that they are completely false and should be ignored.

Keep these things in mind as you go about your day…

  1. You are NOT a failure if you’re not a millionaire by 30. Most people don’t even have their end career chosen by 30, let alone make millions. Take your time, be your best, and the rest will follow.
  2. You SHOULD strive to find a woman to have deep, meaningful sex with. Trust me, it will change your life once you have the connection + the sex.
  3. No one THAT MATTERS cares if you have 100,000 followers, or 100. Even social media influencers who make serious $ daily don’t have 100k followers on Instagram, so stop worrying about numbers, they don’t matter.
  4. You DO NOT have to work 100 hours a week and sacrifice everything to be successful. Some of the most successful people in the world hardly work 40 hours a week. It’s not about the hours, it’s about what you love doing and how you do it.
  5. Even if she never finds out, IT IS STILL CHEATING. And you should feel like a loser for lying to her. Remember, if feelings change, be a man, tell her the truth, then move on. It’s way more respectful and honest.

If you’re looking for even more lies society feeds young men, watch this video:


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