Dancers from all over the world come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. We’ve seen time and time again that we’re the only creatures on this Earth that purposely push their limits. But we don’t only do it for survival. Sometimes, we do it simply for pleasure. And 16-year-old Lizzy Howell is the perfect example of that. The lovely teenager has been dancing for years. It’s been a passion of hers ever since she can remember, and she wasn’t about to let haters deter her from
Dancing For Years

Lizzy Howell has been dreaming of becoming a dancer ever since she was a baby. Lizzie has been in dance classes since she was 5 years old and makes sure everyone is well aware that her love for dancing beats every otherworldly pleasure she is offered. And just by having the inner strength to make her dreams come true, Lizzie’s defying gravity and breaking stereotypes with her perfect
She Does It All

Lizzy is currently enrolled in ballet and tap classes, where confidence is key. Not too long ago, the 17-year-old dancer posted a video of herself doing a difficult ballet move called fouettés. This move is already pretty challenging for any master of the art of dancing, as it requires a series of individual spins to be executed to perfection. And her mastery showed the world exactly what she was made of. You can watch the jaw-dropping video by clicking here.
It Went Viral Fast

“I didn’t really understand why everyone thought it was so special, because that’s just something I do all the time. I didn’t post it to go viral or share my story,” Lizzy stated. That’s right, Lizzy’s video went instantly viral, sparking confidence within a sea of people who didn’t know they had it in them. But she didn’t post the video because she thought her form was perfect or because she wanted attention. Lizzie simply loves to dance!
Confidence Carries

Since the video went viral, thousands of followers have flocked to Lizzie’s social media accounts. And she can thank her infectious confidence and her love for dance for her impressive following! Lizzy soon became a part of Instagram’s #CaptureConfidence campaign, which was designed to empower people all over the world to share their stories, their struggles, and their most confident moments.
Dancers Aren’t Supposed To Look A Certain Way

Lizzy takes pride and had made it a personal mission to educate the public that dancers come in all shapes and sizes. A dancer isn’t supposed to look a specific way. Outdated stereotypes would only conceive ballerinas to be tall, lanky, and pure muscle. But that simply is not the case. With her perfect pirouettes and fouettés, she’s definite proof that passion and practice
Influencer Queen

There are plenty of social media influencers these days, particularly on Instagram. But it’s becoming pretty hard to come by authentic people who aren’t looking to promote a weight loss program, sell you flat-stomach teas, or even get you to buy an imaginary lifestyle. Lizzy wanted to stand out amongst the rest, and prove that anyone can make their dreams come true. Lizzy strives to spread the word and let people know that there is no “one body type” for dancers.
Enjoy What You Do

Lizzy is always speaking about the real facts that lay behind your passion. When it comes to success, it doesn’t really matter what that looks like for other people. Lizzy wants everyone to know that all you need in order to make something come true is to have the guts to go after your dreams. After all, everyone has something to bring to the table. She believes that there isn’t a type of person, type of body, or type of mind for anything in this world. If you enjoy it, then you need to do it. It’s that simple!
Don’t Quit

Lizzy wants to spread the positivity and self-love around the world. If you know that there is something you love to do, “don’t quit!” she says. You need to stay focused and work your butt off, and you need to do it for years. But you must always remember to stay on track, stay determined, and make your mark in this world.
Ignore The Hate

“It’s one person’s opinion, and honestly if they can’t see how happy it makes you, their opinion doesn’t matter. Only yours does.” Lizzy preached. Something we can all learn from Lizzy is that she is absolutely right, don’t you agree?
Serial tea drinker. Professional wig snatcher. Content creator and video script writer who may or may not be John Leguizamo’s body double. If you don’t like where you are, move. You’re not a tree.