Backcombing: For That Teased Option


Backcombing, which has been used since the beginning of big hairstyle is designed to create a base for big hair, or full styled updos. It is also used to great big dreadlocks.

Backcombing can be defined as combing the strands a direction that is opposite to the hair’s natural growth pattern. Back combing also called teasing simply means creating a tangled base of hair on which to support a style. It’s great if what you are after is either height or volume to build up those big hair looks.

On the up side, backcombing creates instant fullness and height to thin strands. It is also will create a fabulous base (as shown to the side) for a more elaborate updo.

How to do it:

  • Take small sections of your hair at a time, hold the ends or tips straight out from the head with one hand.
  • With a fine toothed comb in the other hand run it down the hair towards the scalp in short sharp strokes, this will tangle or matt some most or all of the section depending on how many strokes and what you want.

Note: Use smaller strands for tighter results or larger strands for looser results.

Points to keep in mind:

  • Curly and wavy hair can be backcombed but it is more prone to damage. Always make sure your hair has cooled after using irons to prevent breaking.
  • Before beginning to backcomb make sure your hair is completely tangle free using a bristle brush. This may seem puzzling, since you are about to introduce artful tangles, but starting with tangle-free hair will avoid the chance of natty dreds.
  • Thirdly, clip back any areas you aren’t back brushing. Choose areas you want to back brush. This could be the shorter layers of your hair – or all your hair for a more dramatic look.
  • The smaller the sections you do at a time the longer the shape will last because it makes the whole thing more condensed.
  • Use short strokes rather than long fluid strokes. Practice until you achieve the correct results. The key to backcombing is uniformity. Strive to make all the sections the same size and tightness.
  • Remember to use good styling sprays or similar products to support the backcombed sections. While less may be more, when it comes to teased hairstyles, too little may not be enough.
  • Avoid wetting down the newly teased hairdo. Water can intensify any tangles and make them virtually impossible to remove.

Remove Backcombing:

  • Always take as much time as necessary to remove the backcombing. Never shampoo or stick your head in the shower until after you have carefully removed the style. Water will cause the hair to tangle further making removal of the hair nest more difficult, if not impossible.
  • Use a 100% boar’s head cushion or paddle brush. Separate the hair into small sections. Work slowly and carefully from the ends of the hair up towards the scalp. Avoid tugging or impatience.
  • Take as much time as necessary and work methodically from side to side.
  • After a major backcombing session remember to step up your normal conditioning and deep conditioning treatments.
  • Whenever possible, give your hair a rest from continual backcombing.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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